Welcome to the playground of self development for your work as a creative so you can actualize your fullest potential by just being your authentic self.

Here’s a big truth…

There are a ton of really great programs for artists in business out there. I’ve taken several thinking that it would be the thing to support me in finally moving forward in my work but they didn’t. My blocks weren’t about needing more information on systems and structures but instead they were rooted in my being in protective mode, subtly hiding from showing the world who I was.

Maybe you can relate?

Let’s be honest… to create true authentic art takes a ton of bold, courageous self trust with a willingness to move consciously through deeply embedded patterns and beliefs which are far more destructive than supportive!

This is one of the most foundational pieces that we need to bring into our work so we can live our path and purpose.

HUMAN DESIGN combined with creativity brings us back to our zone of genius. It reawakens our ability to trust in ourselves and to courageously choose from a place of honouring rather than who we’ve been lead to believe we are.

We each have natural gifts and are here in this life to live fully but often we get stuck within societal conditioning.

We’re told from a very young age how to think, dress, talk and act. We’re guided on what we “should” like and what is “proper”.

The problem with all of this is that we are each wired quite differently from each other and have our own unique and optimimal ways of living.

This natural way of being becomes very clouded as we age till we no longer trust ourselves and are caught in a state of self doubt and unhappiness.

This was my exact experience through most of my life till I discovered HUMAN DESIGN!

I didn’t have the confidence to move the way I wanted in my life and I felt “uncomfortable” in my work like something unseen was off. I suffered from a time of depression, burnout followed by a midlife crisis.

I had a great life overall but I wanted to experience fulfilling work which felt like a direct reflection of who I was, I wanted strong supportive relationships and I wanted to heal from past trauma.

Human Design supported me in feeling seen and validated for probably the first time in my life.

So many strengths, which I was barely aware of, were deeply hidden beneath layers of insecurities and were finally brought into the light.

I found my voice in my work, my relationships, my health and my energetic flow and that changed everything!

When we work together I will want to know your vision for your life and work.

We’ll tap into where you feel blocked and the parts of your work which feel amazing.

We’ll look at your strengths through you Human Design chart and where you feel resistance.

I’ll support you in stepping into your own unique self expression and when you do your magic will spill into all aspects of your life and work.

Who is HUMAN DESIGN for…

It’s for the woman who is hungry to live her fullest life rich with experiences drenched in love, purpose and passion.

It’s for the woman who is ready to place herself as a priority in her life/work and is ready to explore her special and unique self expression.

It’s for the woman who is ready to thrive at the highest levels.

It’s for the woman who has had enough of conforming to societal rules and is craving the freedom to live and design her work on her chosen terms.

It’s for the woman who realizes that compromising her life vision for anything other than what she desires is no longer acceptable.



    Want to explore your chart for the first time and learn about your type, strategy and authority in depth? I’ve got you! This single session will set you up to properly use your energy to avoid burnout and how to make aligned decisions which will support you in shifting your life and work into your chosen direction. These pieces alone are life changing.


    Bundle 3 1:1 HD sessions to get to the nitty gritty. These sessions can be used as you need them.


    You’ll receive 4 1-1 sessions during the period of 2 months with access to me during office hours by messenger for further support and clarity. This will allow you to focus and shift your work and life in powerful ways. During our time together we will dive deep into your SUCCESS CODEX, your blueprint for your work.

Sharon Marie

“First, I love Jackie & all the other courses I’ve taken from her so I knew I was in good hands. I loved hearing how much clarity and understanding her HD has helped her, I thought it would be helpful for where I am at too.”


HUMAN DESIGN is a multifaceted system in which science meets spirituality.

It is embedded with astrology, the I’ching, the Kabalah and the chakras.

It is complex and profound.

When we explore our Human Design chart we are in effect exploring our life purpose through our soul’s blueprint.

We’re shown our energetic flow, our strengths, our shadows and how we can grow and more fully express ourselves.

It teaches us that we each have a zone of genius which is incredibly unique and that knowing how to work with our own unique soul blueprint has the potential to shift every facet of your life!

This is part of the embodying process in which we remember who we are.

The hiding, pretending and covering up slowly disappears through the context of our design and we can then, once again, breath deeply trusting in who we are.

It powerfully shifts our trust and faith in ourselves improving our relationships, our health, our soul work and our ability to manifest our life vision.

It allows us to naturally shift and grow into our fullest self expression.


“I was drawn to the program, because I haven’t been tending to my creative side. I also haven’t done any spiritual type classes in awhile and I have enjoyed every class I’ve done with you Jackie, so this was a no brainer. It’s time to take better care of me.”

Spending our lives trying to be someone we aren’t is not only painful but also a HUGE energy drain!

The ART OF HUMAN DESIGN shows us a better way!

Hi my name is Jackie…

I’ve spent the past 25 years of my life on a path of personal self development and healing.

I’ve embraced Reiki, Bodytalk, Soul Mind Body Medicine, Intentional Creativity, colour healing through the chakras and then the lessons and messages we can experience within the Akashic field. Each of these modalities have ignited profound shifts in my life and work.

Human Design has been the final missing link in which I now see myself through new eyes. I see my zone of genius and have been implementing it within every facet of my life and work.

The shifts have been incredible and I can’t wait for you to experience the same!

Got a question or would like to connect?

Shoot me a message and I’ll get back to you within 24 hrs.